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It's probably an illusion that Americans are well-nourished. We may be overfed but not with substantial nutrients. Chances are that most Americans are not getting all the nutritional support needed for maintaining good health from their diets alone.
Dietary surveys show that 30 to 50 percent of the total caloric intake of the typical American is made up of highly processed, adulterated, nutrient-deficient foods. For example, white flour lacks 60 percent of its original calcium, 71 percent of phosphorus, 75 percent of iron, 67 percent of copper and 85 percent of manganese.
The McGovern Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs proposes that "our eating habits may be as profoundly damaging to the Nation's health as the widespread contagious diseases of the early part of the century."
Studies show that health and longevity are increased by avoiding smoking, drinking moderately or not at all, controlling weight, reducing stress, exercising regularly, and eating a well-balanced diet.
The first step to eating smart is to eat a balanced diet, including fiber, and restricting intake of fat and refined sugars and flours. The American Cancer Society has recognized that there is a relationship between certain types of cancer adn the way people eat. Most people should eat as varied a diet as possible and become better acquainted with all kinds of fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, eggs, 100 percent whole grains, nuts and seeds.
The American Heart Association proposes that total fat intake should be less than 30 percent of total calories. Saturated fat intake should be low as possible, poly-unsaturated fat should be less than 10 percent, and mono-unsaturated fat intake can be as much as desired, as long as it doesn't increase the total fat intake over 30 percent.
Vitamins are organic chemical compounds needed for normal growth, health, metabolism and well-being. Vitamins are an essential component of enzymes and also form an essential part of many hormones.
There are probably hundreds of vitamin-like substances, but only a few are widely recognized. It is a well-documented fact that the lack of one or more of these substances in the diet will lead to specific metabolic disorders. Because vitamins cannot be manufactured by the cells of the body, they must be supplied in the diet.
Today, scientists are discovering that even minor vitamin deficiencies may be implicated in less than optimal health. Studies have shown that fewer than 10 percent of Americans actually meet the minimum Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) for important vitamins and minerals. More and more, mainstream experts are admitting that supplementation makes good sense. Forty percent of all Americans use vitamin supplements.
Refer to your NSP Vitamin Chart for detailed information on how vitamins work in the body, and for food and herbal sources of vitamins.
“Many experts now agree that supplements make sense. Since about 50 percent of dieticians use them, there is a strong—albeit silent—message in their actions. RDA shortfalls can be made up with general supplementation for about 10 cents a day. It would be cheap at twice the price, considering we consume more than 60 cents worth of soft drinks daily per capita.” -- Dr. James Scala, Ph.D, developer of NSP’s SynerPro nutritional supplements
“We are now entering the second wave of vitamin research. . . the first wave was the discovery of vitamins and their role in combatting nutritional deficiencies such as rickets and beriberL That occurred in the first half of the century Now we’re onto the second wave. You don’t need to take vitamin C to prevent scurvy in this country today. But you could need it for optimal health.” -- Jeffrey Blumberg, associate director of the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
The human body contains trace amounts of dozens of essential minerals such as zinc, copper, calcium, and others, all of which function interdependently. These minerals amount to about 4 percent of body weight. Only the functions of about 20 of them have been at least partially identified.
Minerals which form essential parts of enzymes, are necessary for growth, maintenance, repair of tissues and bones, help transport oxygen to the body’s cells, help muscles function and play a role in the function of the central nervous system.
We have included here a detailed mineral chart which includes specific minerals and how they function in the body, as well as their NSP sources.
Special Features of NSP Minerals:
• Chelated for optimal absorption and utilization.
• Combined synergistically with herbs and vitamins for maximum nutrition.
• Specially formulated for balance—some minerals must be combined with others to function properly.